Friday, January 13, 2023


Dear reader,

If you know me in real life, you’ll know I said/thought the title of this post the way the character Cher says it in the movie ‘Clueless’. You may know that about me even if you’ve only seen me on social media. I often speak in movie quotes, and ‘Clueless’ is one of my favourite films. Which is apt, because one of my fields is film now. Which I’ll get into more very soon. That’s not what this post is about. Technically. 

I know I took a long hiatus from writing…. for you, dear reader. I’ve actually been writing A LOT. At least a few days a week. While I may never share all of my most inner thoughts with the world, and even my closest people get just snippets of it, I do want to start sharing more. Partly it’s a way to combat the traumas I’ve been through, partly it’s a way for me to grow, but also, as a kid, one of the things I wanted was to be a published author. But it’s something else, too.

Now technically, that has already happened. Twice over. Not exactly how I had in mind, but I am still slowly pursuing that childhood dream. But that’s exactly what this post is about. Well, not the writing or being published, though I will get there one day, too. No, this post is about a project that will touch on the 100 lives that I have lived already in my short 33 years of life.

When I was living in Romania, participating in a bioarchaeology dig, I had someone say that every time they learned something about me, it sounded like I had lived 100 lives already. Later that year, someone else that I saw, not infrequently, said that same thing. Thus, a TikTok series was born. A hell of a lot happened to me in 2021 and 2022, so that project and my participation on TikTok has been all but abandoned.

As I worked on that series, I learned more - about how much some things still affect me, how much work it takes to produce content on a regular schedule, and even more about lighting and blocking with film. The premise of the series was I had written down a list of most of the major things I had done in my life (jobs I had, degrees or certificates I had earned, projects I worked on, my travels, my education, groups I’ve been a part of - the creation of the list did take some time from the get-go and I did have to decide what to include and not include because of some of the things I’ve been through or who else has been involved in those things) and I would blindly pick a D20 die from a cup and roll it to pick the topic of the week.

Which takes us back to that something else. I still find it important to share about those experiences, good and bad. Not just for myself, but a because I want to share about what I’ve been through to help others. I’ve always been someone that just wants to make the world a better place. One of the best ways to do that is to share experiences. Whether in the moment with others, or after the fact as a way to share joy or a lesson learned.

I’ve always felt more comfortable writing out my thoughts instead of verbalizing them, so after some reflection, I’ve decided that is how I want to share my 100 lives lived - good old fashioned blogging. I know it dates me, but I am millennial through and through. Plus, if I do ever want to publish a novel of some kind, I really should practice writing regularly again.

So, dear reader, that’s what my posts are going to be about this year and next. I’m slightly behind, but I’m hoping to share one thing a week. Hopefully we will get to 100 before the year 2025 starts. I’m sure I’ll forget sometimes, but I wouldn’t be me if things weren’t a little chaotic and off-kilter anyways, huh? Therefore, whether you join me on this journey of my life thus far or not….

Until next time—

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