Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Dear reader,

I apologize that yet again it has been a long time since I have posted anything for you to read. I have been very busy, and I am sure you were as well, for a bit there. 

First, I turned another year older. 
Then, it was the holiday season!
And finally a new year and decade started!

But between all of that, I have been dealing with my injury, which is healing up VERY nicely! (I can drive myself again!) I’ve been working a little bit at some odd jobs here and there, and most importantly, I’ve been getting back in touch with who I am at heart. 

I am an artist. I paint. It has been the physical medium that I have worked best in my entire life time. 

I told you awhile ago that I was an artist, through my photography. I bet you assumed that I just thought I was an artist. But I also went to magnet schools for the arts. I don’t just think I am an artist. I’ve been classically trained as an artist for most of my life. 

I am also a painter. And I wanted to show you why I’ve been so busy: I’ve been making pixel paintings. The ones above I’ve created to sell. But I had actually started making this style of paintings back in 2018, as gifts for friends and family. 

Here is the first one I ever made, for Captain:

I call him Soga. He is a cross between Sonic and Megaman, a merging of two of Captain’s favourite characters, on a purple background. He isn’t the best, but I think he’s pretty cool. 

Here is the next piece I did. 

This is a pixelated version of Rainbow Dash, from My Little Pony, on a silver background. I already improved from Soga here. 

The piece I did after that was Mew, a little guy I made for a secret Santa gift exchange. 

The only reason I had issues at this point was because I was using puff paints for some colors instead of regular acrylic paint, or I was using acrylic paint that you would use for thicker, gallery style paintings. I started to experiment with swirling the background paint with blue and purple and even using two shades of pink on Mew’s body. 

After a 10 month hiatus, I made Captain and another friend, Goblin, birthday paintings!

For Goblin I made another Pokémon, this time Pikachu, with a new technique of using the puff paint as texture and outlines. For Captain, another mashup, again with puff paints for texture and outlines, for my favorite piece yet: Doog!

Doog is based off of the poster for the game Doom. But instead of the reaper character that is on the poster, I replaced him with a humanoid-pug character, Captain’s favorite animal. 

I also made a triptych of strong female characters for Nurse, one of my best friends, as a gift. These 3 paintings started off the series of 17 paintings I’ve made since my last blog post, along with all of the paintings at the beginning of this post. 

I love those pieces so much. Again, I used the method of puff paints for outlines and a new method of neon and light colors on black background to create a new shade of a color. And of course, Knight got one as a gift over the holidays, his favorite video game character, Frog. 

As I paint more, I learn more. As I learn more, my paintings improve. As you may have seen on my Facebook page, most of my paintings are for sale. Let me know if you would like one. Or if you have a request/would like to commission me for a piece or two. I would love to paint it for you!

So since my last post, I have made 3 or 4 paintings a week. Some weeks I make zero. One week I planned out another dozen. I am keeping my hands busy, as I am used to working with my hands this time of year, dear reader. But that will be another post for another day. 

So, until next time—

1 comment:

  1. Its impressive to see the progress from start to current. Keep up the good work.
